Sunday, September 18, 2005



These are links to many thousands of blogs in the world, few of them come even from the Czech Republic. Read my notes below and have a really detailed look at the links to the blog society. The use of blog technology ranges from simple diary to professionaly designed marketing pages. Have a look and get inspired!!!!!

These links show a lot: in the USA there are nearly 360 000 blogs, in Germany there are a bit more than 1100, and in the Czech republic there are 79 blogs listed on this page. These numbers serve as a good statistical background for further judgments. There are less than 300 million people in the USA and more than 10 million people in the Czech Republic; therefore there should be only 30 times as many blogs in the USA as in the Czech Republic, which is only about 2500!!! But there are more than 100 times more of them. Computed from the other side, taking USA as the basis, then there should be about 30 time less blogs in the Czech Republic than in the USA, which would be about 12000, there are only 79, which in turn is about 150 times less than it should be. Strange. For some reason Czechs do not use Blog technology as they should. They use it too little. There might be many reasons for it. I would assume that one of the reasons must, for sure, be the poor language knowledge, which does not allow Czechs to make use of the latest technology. There might be some other reasons too.

It is possible to make use of the numbers gained in the Internet to assume the possition of a country relative to other countries, computed per capita. Sometimes one obtains really shocking results.

Just to help the students to gain some idea about the Blog society and the Blog world I place here few links with many links to blogs all over the world. You should have a look and make use of this technology, it is completely free, and it might be your start to simple website programming.

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