Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Traffic laws, fear and bribery in the Czech Republic

Czechs, their new traffic laws and bribes

This English language version of ma ideas about new traffic laws, bribery and use of fear in the Czech Republic is not a translation from my Czech version, it is a free text based upon the same ideas.

In the Czech Republic starting July 1, 2006 new traffic laws are valid. These laws are really very interesting. One of the nicest laws now in force is the size of penalty one can get. So for example, when one driver drives the Czech highway without having bought sticker and placed that on his windshield, he will be fined 500 000 crowns financial penalty.

Well, the size of the penalty means about US $ 20,000 or about 17 000€. This penalty is so high that most of the drivers would have to give the police their own car and even maybe sell their apartment of the family house to pay the rest of the fine.

There more such penalties. The reason is obvious; the Czech government wants to apply fear to make people do what the government wants. But this is exactly the definition of terrorism. It is the use of fear to make somebody to do something. So what the heck is the Czech government good for?

The answer might be striking for some westerners; the purpose of these fines is to enable bribery to the Czech policemen. It goes like this. A driver is stopped by police who will for sure find something worth severe financial punishment according to the new law. Then, the policeman has the possibility y to offer the driver a cow deal, you give me 10 or 20% of the fine and I let you go. This system will function here, actually the new traffic rules have been implemented just in order to enable the police to demand bribes from drivers and enhance their miserable pay paid by the government.

Here we can see the logic of the new rules; government does not want to pay more to the policemen so it passes such laws that the police are capable of improving their salary by offering the driver a cow deal. You give me 10 or 20% of the legal fine and I will let you go. Surely, most drivers will do that, and the police has got the money it needs and the government does not have to pays anything. Well and this is the reason why the Czech Republic is considered having the most developed bribery, because the direct governmental action, in this case passing a new law, supports bribery in this country.

Also such a huge support which the Czech government gives to the Czech police shows how much it is important for the Czech government to have strong police instead of having good Medicare or advanced educational system. If the government would have raised the salaries for the policemen it would have to increase the salaries for other state employees, such as teachers or doctors, as well.

This would cost too much money which the government does have but is not willing to pay because it would decrease the amount of money for the government itself.

The next part of this new traffic rule system is the fear. Czech government specializes in applying fear. Well, the definition of terrorism says it is the use of fear in order to make people do what the terrorists want. Well, well, what a coincidence.

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