Friday, March 23, 2007


Amygdala and Neocortex in solving adaptive problems

After I have written the previous posts I found next link being as interesting as the other ones, so I cannot resist posting this link too, there is too much truth in that information to stay hidden.

I do not want to retype or repost the post from other blogs, and so I only post the link and you can read for yourself and maybe this will even help you understand yourself as a human being, having problems with the two parts of our brain; one, amygdala, being responsible for fast emotional reaction, and the other, called neocortex, being responsible for logic type of thinking.

Usually, when you will be confronted with a problem you have never met before, it might take really long, long time before you get some reasonable results out of your neocortex. If you will be exposed to similar problems several times, then, each next time the time needed for finding solution will be shorter. Finally, after several repetitions of the same or similar problem and your successful solution of it, this information will be placed from neocortex to amygdala and you will get the solution of the problem, when exposed again to it, immediately.

Think of it, it has huge impact on everything that we repeat many times, like speaking, car driving, any sports, like goal keeper getting the puck, he must train a lot, to get good, and training is repeating. Take reading in your mother tongue, the more you read the better word-power you have. People who read only little or only simple text, usually cannot express themselves properly. The same is also valid for studying foreign languages, you must practice to maintain or even develop your foreign language skills further.

It is possible to write a book on this topic, so important it is, so click on the link and read the text.

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