Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Morality in animals

This is my answer to the text that you can find here.

Morality in primates and other animals

It is nice that scientists have found beginnings of morality in apes. I, on the contrary, believe, that based on real evolution, morality can be traced much further back. Vampires have a system of reimbursing favors, which in their case means they offer information on source of blood to somebody who “told” them before. Dogs have a certain hierarchy, expressed in position of sleeping, therefore dogs like to sleep on sofa (who sleeps high is the boss).

Morality is a set of rules valid in certain society, so it is a rule among vampires to help each other if the help is reimbursed. Among dogs it is the right of the boss to sleep on a higher place than the others, well, a king has a throne, basically every boss in human society when addressing others does so from a higher place. It is a rule that the offices of CEOs are in higher floors.

So we have pretty much the same basis of morality as dogs and not only primates. Of course, we have developed morality further, but that is evolution. So we may find even other basic demonstrations of morality among other animals, if we only look properly.

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