Friday, July 13, 2007
This link will bring you to article by Daphne Caruana Galizia in MALTA INDEPENDENT ONLINE. My today´s post is a copy of my email to Daphne.
Hello Daphne,
Your article in Malta Independent Online is excellent; I do not know the two men, as I live in The Czech Republic. The most striking finding in your work is the fact about proletarian housewives. You have delivered a perfect evidence for my theory of “underdogs”, or in better words: the theory of hierarchy in human herd.
Humans are very special kind of animals, and they live in herds, as horses, wolves, bat vampires and many other animals. To explain the hierarchy in humans let’s first have a look at wolves. The chief wolf sleeps on the highest place available, the other wolves according to there status in the hierarchy of their herd sleep then lower, the last member of the herd sleeps at the lowest place available. The rests of this emotional behavior can be seen in dogs: they like it extremely much to sleep on sofas, chair or anything at least slightly elevated.
Humans, without knowing it behave in a similar way: all the bosses usually speak to crowds from some elevated place, a king had his throne, castles were built on hills and the rest of the people had their houses lower, etc. You can surely think of many other examples.
Now, proletarian housewives are pretty low in the hierarchy of human herd, first married to relatively poor guys, and selves not contributing to the wealth of their family, not going to work, and therefore feeling a bit useless in two ways. Not mentioning the emotional status of a woman and man in the hierarchy of human society throughout the evolution.
As nobody likes to be at the absolute bottom of a herd – as the dog sleeping on a sofa – or close to it – the proletarian housewives are a bit higher than homeless – they tend to try to get someone under themselves. It seems to me that these two men have emotionally understood this, not in the logical way, and make use of this fact in the human hierarchy. And who could get easily under these women? Well, anyone who differs in some remarkable way, e.g. the color of skin, therefore the blacks or Afro-Americans.
Your observation, that I take for granted as it perfectly fits my theory of hierarchy, really supplies additional facts and support for my theory.
Hopefully, you are not angry that I took my courage and wrote you my comments on your paper. And there is my blog where you can – in the English section - read my ideas –to this and several other topics.
with a lot of wishes for more such well-thought observations
and many greetings
This link will bring you to article by Daphne Caruana Galizia in MALTA INDEPENDENT ONLINE. My today´s post is a copy of my email to Daphne.
Hello Daphne,
Your article in Malta Independent Online is excellent; I do not know the two men, as I live in The Czech Republic. The most striking finding in your work is the fact about proletarian housewives. You have delivered a perfect evidence for my theory of “underdogs”, or in better words: the theory of hierarchy in human herd.
Humans are very special kind of animals, and they live in herds, as horses, wolves, bat vampires and many other animals. To explain the hierarchy in humans let’s first have a look at wolves. The chief wolf sleeps on the highest place available, the other wolves according to there status in the hierarchy of their herd sleep then lower, the last member of the herd sleeps at the lowest place available. The rests of this emotional behavior can be seen in dogs: they like it extremely much to sleep on sofas, chair or anything at least slightly elevated.
Humans, without knowing it behave in a similar way: all the bosses usually speak to crowds from some elevated place, a king had his throne, castles were built on hills and the rest of the people had their houses lower, etc. You can surely think of many other examples.
Now, proletarian housewives are pretty low in the hierarchy of human herd, first married to relatively poor guys, and selves not contributing to the wealth of their family, not going to work, and therefore feeling a bit useless in two ways. Not mentioning the emotional status of a woman and man in the hierarchy of human society throughout the evolution.
As nobody likes to be at the absolute bottom of a herd – as the dog sleeping on a sofa – or close to it – the proletarian housewives are a bit higher than homeless – they tend to try to get someone under themselves. It seems to me that these two men have emotionally understood this, not in the logical way, and make use of this fact in the human hierarchy. And who could get easily under these women? Well, anyone who differs in some remarkable way, e.g. the color of skin, therefore the blacks or Afro-Americans.
Your observation, that I take for granted as it perfectly fits my theory of hierarchy, really supplies additional facts and support for my theory.
Hopefully, you are not angry that I took my courage and wrote you my comments on your paper. And there is my blog where you can – in the English section - read my ideas –to this and several other topics.
with a lot of wishes for more such well-thought observations
and many greetings