Saturday, July 28, 2007



Patterning a system of prefabricated reactions, emotions to some stimuli

Mr. Friedman, columnist from New York Times, visited Arabic states and asked various questions about why Arabic people dislike Americans. He shot interview with a young Arabic lady and among other questions he asked these two: Why do you dislike Americans and where do you have you information from? And the second question was: What would you do if you were offered a study place in the USA?

Now the young woman got really upset when talking about Americans boxing people and nations around in the world, she showed she was happy that America got punch in the nose, she meant September 11, and she said her sources where TV, Internet and Arabic magazines.

One can conclude that most probably the majority of her sources came from Arabic TV, Arabic Internet and Arabic magazines, where mostly Americans are being constantly criticized for anything.

Reading certain type of information many times corresponds with the necessity to repeat in order to remember; and remembering means creating patterns. So the brain of the young Arabic woman created several patterns against Americans.

There is an old saying to this phenomenon: a hundred times repeated lie becomes the truth

On the other side when asked what she would do id offered a study place at one American university, the young woman said that USA is the top of knowledge and that it would be perfect and she would like to go there and study in the USA, and her face and eyes witnessed on her eagerness to go to the USA and study. Her words were not merely words. It was emotion.

It seems to me that the young woman is victim of her own patterns, as she is not capable of using logic, but only prefabricated patterns, emotions. Mostly all people use patterns more than logic. Patterns are produced by repetition of some stimuli and the same reaction. It is like learning words in a foreign language.

Unfortunately, this happens to vast majority of people, we are mostly pattern- and emotion-driven, than by pure thinking. Even our thinking is limited by our emotions and patterns.

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