Wednesday, December 26, 2007


CO2 and climatic changes

CO2 myth

There are several indicators showing that either people who create documents on CO2 influence on climatic changes are incredibly stupid or all this CO2 story is just deliberately formed nonsense for misleading other people.

One of the signs demonstrating this factor is that in any visual reports on CO2 influence on climate there are big clouds coming from big towers, exactly at that time the speaker says CO2, but it is not CO2, it is water vapor coming out from cooling towers that are a basic part of any electric power plant. It is NOT CO2.

The fact that there is obviously this deliberate misleading of the public one can conclude there is ABSOLUTELY no danger based on CO2.

The problem is that majority of people have absolutely no idea about how electric power plan functions, what are its parts, what these parts do in particular. Therefore, it is so easy to mislead people by showing them pictures of water vapor and say it is CO2. Of course, majority of people will believe this nonsense.

The funny thing is that I have seen exactly this feature – showing water vapor clouds and speaking about CO2 – several times, which I believe is evidence enough for me to maintain that the CO2-story is an artificial make up having no reasonable scientific basis. It only serves to the purpose of frightening people and making them to easy target for exploitations, manipulations and easy-to-handle crowd.

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