Saturday, February 23, 2008


Democracy, a stupid system?


My idea of today’s democracy is that it is not democracy at all but merely a dictatorship of stupidity. Everybody can argue with me, but this is really what I think.

My short explanation goes as follows: If there are elections and there are only two candidates for the office (whatever office), one is university professor and the other is a mason. When the professor makes his speeches only few highly educated people understand what he says. The others who do not understand usually react in a way as “he is stupid”, this is nonsense” etc. The reason for this type of reaction is the fact that they do not understand but do not want to admit this fact so they ridicule the ideas they cannot understand. And do not forget one fact: there are only 1000 university professors but several millions of simple people.

So when this simple man is speaking the vast majority of people will understand and even will have the feel of the ideological sameness and therefore this vast majority of people will vote for the mason. The professor will lose.

So at the end the group of university professors must obey the political directions of some masons. Isn’t that shocking? To me it is. As I perceive this situation as dictatorship of stupidity.

This example is a virtual setup. But there are plenty of examples in real life that this really is so. Joschka Fischer, former German vice chancellor, was a taxi driver, even more former minister for social things and family was a metal worker, etc. Several years ago, in the Czech Republic, all the addressed university professors when offered the office of president of the republic refused.

There are psychological and sociological studies made in Germany that show similarity. If you are a member of working class but you pass all the elite economic schools you will be never accepted as the top manager as you are missing something. This something is the way of thinking that was given to you when you were a baby, and this something will be recognized by people who might promote you to certain position, but because you differ they will not do that, and spite your knowledge you will be only assistant to some CEO, regardless the fact that you know 5x more than he does.

The next example to think about is the organization of democracy in the Roman Empire. Only few were allowed to vote. Elections were not for everybody. Only free citizens having certain status were eligible to go and vote. Slaves were not allowed to vote, some free citizens of lower status were also not allowed to vote.

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