Friday, March 07, 2008


Lamarck confirmed II

Lamarck and his ideas still living

It is really funny, how many people and among them even experts oppose the ideas of Lamarck. On the other hand it is also funny, how much evidence has been gathered to support this Lamarckian notion.

The basic idea of Lamarck was that any organism gathers experiences in its life and if it is of advantage it passes this to its offspring. This idea was ridiculed by saying that if it were so then, an organism that learned how to run fast would give its offspring better legs. Obviously, this is not the case in one generation step.

But it is true in many generations steps as this blog post called Doggy See, Doggy Do shows. If wolves cannot understand human gestures and domesticated dogs can, well they have learned that from humans by living with them for eons a noticing what is important and passing this generation to their offspring. And that is the basis of Lamarck’s ideas.

There is no reason for Lamarck’s ideas to be ridiculed; they are valid, regardless some experts denying this fact.

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