Saturday, March 01, 2008


Lamarck confirmed

Lamarck was right

Sometimes we people are strange, we say that Lamarck was not right and then we bring evidence demonstrating the correctness of his ideas. Here you can find that the ideas of Lamarck are sometimes ridiculed and put down. Here you can read how humans are hardwired for recognition of snakes, which constitutes strong evidence for Lamarckism.

There are many more examples of how DNA passes over some behavioral information to the offspring. DNA is a very complex system of coding and storing information capable of being passed over to the next generation and so saving energy and time. This fact is exactly that what Lamarck said more than 200 years ago and his ideas were refused and ridiculed a lot.

We are hardwired for many things, for sex, for reading (see Stroop test), language, and many other things. We are hardwired for anything that repeats. This is the basic idea of natural selection. Only that will en recognized by any organism as important when I t repeats many times. The number of repetitions then in turn constitutes the scale for importance of some repeated information, the more it repeats the more important it is.

This in turn is the basis for the criticism of TV for children and for TV programs with violent content. If it repeats very often it becomes “normal” and “important” for our human brain, and it will be passed over through DNA to our offspring, to our children, and the next generation will be a bit worse than the previous generation, that had not been so severely influenced by TV.

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