Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The Czechs 1.0


Really shocking this morning; I have found two blogs delivering facts why some nations are a bit different than the other nations. Typically I speak of Czechs here.

In this blog the notion of hierarchy and dominance is described. The author states that in human society this happened at the break of agriculture. I really doubt that this was the origin of the hierarchy. I believe that the real origin of hierarchy goes as back as to herd animals and even to bacteria or cells. But for sure the invention of agriculture brought about strengthening of the notion of hierarchy. By the way I do not like the word dominance in this context as it seems to me that the word dominance covers the substantial principle instead of revealing it.

The author writes:

One example of neurohistory for Smail is explaining the human dominance hierarchies that arose after the agricultural revolution allowed small groups of elite individuals to rule over large groups of subordinates. Dominant individuals must employ whatever devices they can to induce submissive dispositions in their subordinates. In matriarchal baboon societies, high-ranking females harass subordinate females in ways that create high levels of stress. Similarly, we might expect that in human dominance hierarchies, high-ranking individuals would intimidate their subordinates in ways that would generate stress hormones that make them feel submissive.

In the next blog the hatred against the unknown is discussed. This also is highly valid for the Czech nation, of course with some rare exceptions. The xenophobic notion paired with the exaggerated feel of one’s own importance, creates really strange behavior, mostly displayed by Czechs and maybe some other nations that I do not know too,

In this blog this quotation explains the substance of xenophobia.

Xenophobia… has its roots in the failure to accept “otherness” mixed with misguided notions about the superiority of self. That fragile self is constantly threatened by the potential power of the other whether numerical, social, political or economic.

In plain words this says that some people or groups of people, nations, are so aware of their superiority, i.e. their higher position among other people or among other groups of people, but this feeling of superiority is based on nothing real, it is only a feel that is gained on purpose in order to get rid of the feeling of inferiority.

In turn the feeling of inferiority can be gained by constant comparisons with somebody who is better than me. In the case of Czechs this is the comparison with Germans, Jews, and especially Ashkenazy Jews. All these groups of people are perceived by Czechs as higher positioned than themselves and it hurt the Czechs. Therefore they developed a system of denial of these facts and started to think of themselves as of superior to all.

If then, they are confronted with somebody who is really “above” them they start to have xenophobic behavior. Czech xenophobic behavior is extremely close to racism when they link the other person or group of people to some other nation, like Germans.

There are important points in the Czech history, as well as in the history of Slavonic tribes. Some 2000 years ago these Slavonic tribes where considered as good slaves in the Roman Empire. If this lasted for some time then, based on neurology, epigenetics and some other sciences one might conclude that this might have been the start of the Czech xenophobia and the feel of inferiority.

In the newer history this feel of inferiority has been strengthened by two world wars, any many other wars that took place on the lands occupied by Czechs. They were always exploited by somebody. The last exploitations of Czechs were carried out by Nazi Germany and by Soviet Russia, both being extremely totalitarian systems.

It may take centuries for Czechs to get rid of this feeling, or it is also possible that they will never get rid of this feeling, as it is already firmly written down in their epigenome as their cultural and historical information.

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